All About the SlumberPod & How to Introduce it to Your Child
The world is opening back up and the travel bug has found many of us... we’re itching to travel!
For many families, this is the first time they’ll be traveling with children. (Hello pandemic babies 👋) Whether or not this is you, let me tell you about my secret weapon (that’s not so secret…) - the SlumberPod!
The SlumberPod is a total game-changer when it comes to traveling with little ones, especially if you’ll be room-sharing.
What is the SlumberPod and why "should" I have one?
The SlumberPod is a breathable, bottomless “privacy pod” that fits perfectly over a playard, travel crib, or toddler cot to create the pitch-black sleep environment conducive for great sleep.
You "should" have one because it's much easier to set up than it is to attempt to blackout, say, a beach house bedroom with so. many. windows! And though the SlumberPod is ideal to use when you're traveling, it's also great to use at home if you need or want to room-share. I have helped families achieve great sleep at home utilizing the SlumberPod.
(You "should" only have one if you feel it's the best choice for your family! You're not "doing it wrong" if you travel without a SlumberPod 😘)

How dark is it inside?
Can I use it for my child?
The SlumberPod is intended for children 4 months old to 5 years old. Since the newborn stage is the most vulnerable, it's not recommended to be used at that age.
Is it safe?
When used in the way it’s intended, yes! It’s recommended and approved only for indoor use in a climate-controlled environment.
The SlumberPod passes all the juvenile product safety tests in the United States, Canada, and Europe and is found to “present a low hazard” for CO2 rebreathing by an independent, third-party lab doctor (not chosen by the SlumberPod team). To further help reduce the risk of rebreathing, the SlumberPod 2.0 includes a pocket on the bottom to insert a small fan that’s sold in the bundle or separately.
The SlumberPod was created by a mother and daughter with safety as a top priority. The material is made of breathable material - 85% polyester and 15% spandex. Since the SlumberPod does not attach to the crib or cot and the material provides a lot of stretch, there’s a far less likelihood of entrapment should your child happen to climb out. (It is not intended for the use of containing your child.)
The SlumberPod also has a clear pouch on the top to insert a baby monitor to help give you even more peace of mind. (Just keep in mind that the temperature reading on the monitor will be completely wrong! Not that I’ve ever encountered one that’s right…)
Great, but not sure my toddler/preschooler will like it… Let’s it introduce to them
If your little one is under the age of 6 months or so, odds are you can use the SlumberPod without having to introduce it to them beforehand.
For children older than 6 months or so, I recommend setting up the SlumberPod at home to familiarize them with it. For babies, talking to them about it, letting them know that’s where they’ll be sleeping while you’re away, and letting them explore it is enough.
For toddlers and preschoolers, there may need to be more familiarizing that needs to happen for them to feel comfortable sleeping in it, especially while away from home. Set up the SlumberPod at home a few days before you leave for your trip. (It doesn’t have to be in their room or have their travel bed in it.)
Then, here are my favorite ways to introduce the SlumberPod to them and help them feel comfortable and safe in it:
Talk it up before you set it up! “Guess what?! While we’re on vacation you get to sleep in the coolest place!” If your little one is like mine and loves the idea of camping, use that to your advantage and call it their tent. If that’s not the case and they couldn’t care less about having their own tent, call it something that would pique their interest - their own house, castle, room… whatever that plays it up nicely for them.
Let them be involved in setting it up both at home and while away. Talk to them as you’re setting it up, letting them know that this is where they’ll be sleeping while you’ll be away. Also, let them know where you will be sleeping and that you’ll be close by (if that’s not the case, let them know where their trusted caregiver will be).
Let them explore it! Play in it; have “campouts” and picnics. Read books in it and play with their favorite toys inside.
Let their first time sleeping in it be at night at home.
If they’re hesitant about completely closing the zipper, leave it partially open. You can either close it once they’re asleep or leave it partially open. (It is recommended for babies to open the air vent flaps once they’re asleep and before you go to bed.)
Don’t forget to dress them in their favorite, familiar jammies* and, if they’re over a year old, let them sleep with their beloved lovey. (*Keep in mind that it tends to be 1-2 degrees warmer in the SlumberPod, so dress them accordingly.)
Where can I get one?!
When you purchase a SlumberPod from their site (, use the code GOODNIGHTFAMILIES20 to get $20 off your purchase!
In Conclusion
This is a product I have used (and will continue to use for years to come) and love!! It’s well worth the money because of its high-ranking safety, the sleep it encourages while at home or away, and its lifespan. (I mean, it’s suitable until age 5 years and costs less than many for-newborns-only products!)
If you have any other questions about the SlumberPod, feel free to ask or check out their FAQ page on their site. (linked)
