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Sleeping Like a Baby
Are you ready to sleep?

Support for parents from the newborn days to the pre-school years


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is this

right for me?
  • If you have a child younger than 5 years old that needs help falling asleep and/or staying asleep

  • If you're not happy with how sleep is going in your home

  • If you're unsure of the best approach to make changes in your family's sleep habits

  • If you don't want to sift through the research and information around infant, toddler, or preschooler's sleep

Then, yes!

Before Michele, our daughter would wake multiple times a night, always needing us to rock her back to sleep, and most nights she would end up in our bed. Now, our daughter is falling asleep on her own and sleeping 12 hours a night!


- Tiffany B. of Kentucky

What does the process

look like?


through a phone call, a questionnaire, and sleep log so I can create your child's personal sleep plan.

You will implement your plan very soon after our review and will begin seeing changes fairly quickly! No matter the package you choose, you will have support  throughout the implementation of your plan!

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The information you share will equip me to create the ideal, personalized plan for your family. We will review it live on a one-hour Zoom call that you will schedule at your convenience.

Review your




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"Michele gave us a plan and a strategy to give our son the confidence he needed to fall asleep independently again and go back to sleep on his own during the night."

- Anna R.

We don’t have any products to show here right now.

are you just going to tell me to use

Long answer, you can expect your personalized plan to include direction on how to make necessary habit changes, create a safe, sleep-inducing environment, an age-appropriate schedule, and routines, the best sleep training method for your family, and how to use it for nights and naps

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Short answer, no.

And, no matter the package you choose, I will be there to support you through the implementation of your plan!

Your personalized plan is more than just a sleep training method, it's a holistic approach to sleep, taking into account every factor of your child's days and nights.

What can I expect ?

Sleeping Baby

With 100% consistency and commitment to the plan, many families see improvement with nighttime sleep within 3 nights and permanent change within 2 weeks!


With the same consistency and commitment, typically naps take shape within 2 weeks and permanent change within a month!


It's important to keep in mind that we're working with a living, breathing human being and not a robot. The plan will work, but like anything that involves changing the habits of people, many factors are involved.


But, when you are ready and committed to helping your child get the sleep they need, together, with my expertise of sleep and your expertise of your child, we will bring blissful sleep back to your home!

Meet Michele of Good Night Families

Hey there! I'm Michele and I've been where you are - searching the internet looking for the "right" way to get my baby to sleep.


Between my obsessive desire to get it "right" and postpartum anxiety and depression driving a lot of my decisions, I became paralyzed with the fear of hurting my attachment with my baby and messing him up for the rest of his life.


So, I did nothing... until nothing was no longer a viable option.


It turns out sleep isn't a luxury, but a necessity! I was barely functioning and surely that wasn't helpful for my attachment to my baby or his well-being.


So, I followed the bits and pieces of information from what I could find online and took my pediatrician's advice, and just let him cry.


It was as awful as it sounds and I don't want any mother (or father!) to have to go through that!


Though there are still tears involved during the holistic approach to sleep training, this approach lessens the tears, sets our children up for success, and makes the entire experience more effective and less awful.


This is why I do what I do - I can EMPATHIZE with you, EQUIP YOU, ENCOURAGE YOU, and help you and your family get the SLEEP that you NEED!


Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I sleep train?

You can start establishing healthy sleep habits as early as day one. Babies this young are not meant to sleep long stretches, but instilling good habits now will benefit them when they are ready for longer sleeps. Traditional sleep training methods can be used once your little one is 16 weeks old from due date or 12 pounds. (So, around 4 months old.)

Will you ask me to have my baby "Cry-it-Out"?

I define "Cry-it-Out" as putting your child to bed and not seeing them again until morning. There are many other methods that can be used before we would even consider using this method for nighttime sleep.


I cannot guarantee there won't be any crying, but I can guarantee you can be involved. There will boundaries around that involvement, but your little one will know you're there and they're loved. Also, since we'll be taking a holistic approach to sleep, we'll be working with their natural need for sleep and will encourage less crying. 

Can I sleep train while breastfeeding?

Yes! If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to your lactation consultant and your child's pediatrician. But, generally speaking, since breastmilk is produced based on supply and demand, your supply will adjust accordingly.

Can I sleep train if we co-sleep?

If you are sharing a bed with your child, for safety considerations, and other factors, I only work with co-sleeping families when they're ready to move their child out of their bed. If you want to keep sharing a bed, I cannot help.


If you are sharing a room with your child, I can help!

How long will this take?

I like to alot two weeks to training. You'll need to be home every night for bedtime and have your days as normal as possible (whatever that looks like for you). 


With consistency, following the plan 100%, most families start seeing the light by night 3. Naps are often harder and can take a little more time, but they start shaping up at least by the end of the two weeks.

I've tried everything! Why should I work with you?

The information out there is overwhelming. Add in exhaustion, it can be crushing!


Let me be your guide!


I'm well trained in taking a holistic approach to sleep, looking at each facet of your child's life to promote better sleep. Along with being trained in utilizing multiple sleep training methods and knowing which ones work best for certain ages, temperaments, and family dynamics, together we can make sleep a reality. And if your little one isn't following the plan as desired (because no one is a robot), I know ways to adjust the method to best suit them and I have connections with other well-trained consultants that can help troubleshoot, if necessary.


I'm committed to working with you until we get your child sleeping as to be expected for their age and lifestyle!

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