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Happy Baby
Baby Support Packages

Let's get you great sleep!

guidance and support for families of babies 4 to 12 months old.

Image by Katie Emslie

is this

right for me?
  • If you have a baby between 4 and 12 months old

  • If you want confidence in how to have great sleep

  • If you're not happy with how sleep is going in your home

  • If you don't want to sift through the research and information around baby sleep and want it all in one convenient place

Then, yes! This is for you!

After working with Michele, my son can put himself to sleep and is excited and

ready for bed each night!

- Miriah M. of North Carolina

What does the process

look like with a Baby Package?
Choose your


Each package includes a personalized sleep plan and a video consultation to review it and answer any questions you have. What varies between packages is the amount of support you get throughout the 2-week sleep training process.

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Our Zoom call to review your plan is an opportunity to walk you through the process, answer any of your questions, and get you excited about the end goal! 

Review your



You can start implementing your plan on the same night we meet then naps the next day! I'll be with you, cheering you on, during your two weeks of implementation!


Image by Jonathan Borba
sound good?
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After one week of working with Michele, our son naps for 3-4 hours a day, on his own and sleeps through the night!

- Jennifer L. of North Carolina

What can I expect ?

Sleeping Like a Baby

With 100% consistency and commitment to the plan, many families see improvement with nighttime sleep within 3 nights and permanent change within 2 weeks!

With the same consistency and commitment, typically naps take shape within 2 weeks and permanent change within a month!

It's important to keep in mind that we're working with a living, breathing human being and not a robot. The plan will work, but like anything that involves changing the habits of people, many factors are involved.

But, when you are ready and committed to helping your child get the sleep they need, together, with my expertise of sleep and your expertise of your child, we will bring blissful sleep back to your home!

are you just going to tell me to use

Long answer, there will likely be crying (babies don't like change), but you can support your baby through the tears. 

our personalized plan will include direction on how to make necessary habit changes, create a safe, sleep-inducing environment, an age-appropriate schedule, and routines, the best sleep training method for your family, and how to use it for nights and naps

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Short answer, no.

Your personalized plan is more than just a sleep training method, it's a holistic approach to sleep, taking into account every factor of your child's days and nights.

And, no matter the package you choose, I will be there to support you through the implementation of your plan!

Mother and Baby

Sleep training our 7-month-old has helped her with her developmental milestones, she's feeding more efficiently, and she has confidence in soothing herself to sleep!

- Lauren S. of North Carolina


Meet Michele of Good Night Families

Hey there! I'm Michele and I've been where you are - searching the internet looking for the "right" way to get my baby to sleep.

Between my obsessive desire to get it "right" and postpartum anxiety and depression driving a lot of my decisions, I became paralyzed with the fear of hurting my attachment with my baby and messing him up for the rest of his life.

So, I did nothing... until nothing was no longer a viable option.


It turns out sleep isn't a luxury, but a necessity! I was barely functioning and surely that wasn't helpful for my attachment to my baby or his well-being.

So, I followed the bits and pieces of information from what I could find online and took my pediatrician's advice, and just let him cry.

It was as awful as it sounds and I don't want any mother (or father!) to have to go through that!

Though there are still tears involved during the holistic approach to sleep training, - looking at more than just what to do at bedtime or nap time - this approach lessens the tears, sets our children up for success, and makes the entire experience more effective and less awful.

This is why I do what I do - I can EMPATHIZE with you, EQUIP YOU, ENCOURAGE YOU, and help you and your family get the SLEEP that you NEED!

  • How much crying will there be??
    There will likely be tears (similar to the tears around having to be in the car seat or not being able to have another cookie), but we will tailor the plan in a way to be fair and set your child up for success to have have as few tears as possible. But, there's no way I can gauge how many tears there will or won't be. ​ If you're looking for a no-cry method or a full-blown extinction method, I'm not for you.
  • How soon can I sleep train?
    Traditional sleep training methods can be implemented, with the approval of your pediatrician, as soon as your little one is 16 weeks old from their due date or at least 12 pounds. (So, around 4 months old.) You can start establishing healthy sleep habits as early as day one. Newborns are not meant to sleep long stretches, but instilling good habits early on will beneficial now and when they are ready to sleep longer stretches.
  • Can I sleep train while breastfeeding?
    Yes! If you have any concerns, please reach out to your lactation consultant, your doctor or midwife, or your child's pediatrician. But, generally speaking, since breastmilk is produced on the basis of supply and demand, your supply, once fully established (and it often is by 4 months postpartum), your supply will adjust accordingly. It's also good to know, I don't force the drop of necessary night-feedings. Some babies are ready to drop all night-feedings as early as the newborn days, but most aren't ready until a few months after that. (Usually no later than ~9 months old.) A goal of sleep training isn't always to have a baby that sleeps through the night. But always, the goal of sleep training is to have an independent sleeper. (An independent sleeper has the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep without the need of any help from anyone else.)
  • Can I sleep train if we co-sleep?
    First, what's your definition of co-sleeping? If you're sharing a room with your baby, but not your bed, then YES! You can sleep train and I can help you! (And you can continue to room-share, if you want or need to!) If you're sharing a bed with your baby, then no, not in the traditional sense can you sleep train. Since the main goal of sleep training is to teach babies and children how to fall asleep and stay asleep without needing the help of anyone else, bed-sharing causes confusion. Also, for safety considerations, and other factors, I only work with co-sleeping (bed-sharing) families when they're ready to move their child out of their bed. Otherwise, I cannot help.
  • How long will this take?
    I like to set aside two-three weeks for sleep training. You'll need to be home every night for bedtime and have your days as normal as possible (whatever that looks like for you). With consistency, following the plan 100%, most families start seeing improvements with night sleep by night 3 and with naps within the first week or two. (Naps are generally harder to nail down, but with consistency, they do shape up!)
  • I have twins (or triplets, etc.), do I have to buy 2 (or more) packages?"
    No!! If you'll be working on both children at the same time, there's no additional fee for twins, triplets, etc. since their plans will be pretty much identical and the support will be carried out at the same time.
  • I need help with more than one of my children (not twins), do I need to buy a package for each child?"
    Not necessarily! There's a $100 upcharge for each additional sibling that needs a sleep plan that will be implemented at the same time. Need to add on a sibling? Book a free call with Michele here!
  • I've tried everything!! Why should I work with you?
    The information out there is overwhelming. Add in exhausting, it can be crushing!! Let me be your guide! I'm well-trained in a research-based, holistic approach to sleep training. I look at every facet of the child's life - temperament, age, family dynamics, and the parent's parenting style - when choosing the best sleep training method for the child and creating their personalized sleep plan. I have experience in helping babies and children get the sleep they need, resources readily available for "tricky" situations, and the commitment to my families that are mutually committed to get them the sleep they need!

Frequently Asked Questions


let 's work together

The Baby Support Packages


Not sure which is right for you?

Let's chat! Schedule your free call here:



Like a more DIY approach? - this is for you!

  • A questionnaire to help me understand your family

  • A personalized sleep plan

  • A 1-hour phone consultation (just talk or video chat) OR video consultation* to review your plan

  • 2 weeks of support: two (2) 15-minute support phone calls



If you want more support - this is for you!

Everything in BASIC 

 + plus +

  • A virtual tour and evaluation of your child's nursery or room.

  • Text/Voxer support

  • One 20-minute, scheduled support call to be used within 6 months after the purchase of this package.



If you want the most support - this is for you!

Everything in BASIC

+ plus +

  • A virtual tour and evaluation of your child's nursery or room.

  • Text/Voxer support

  • One 20-minute, scheduled support call to be used within 6 months after the purchase of this package.

+ plus +

  • 2 additional support calls (four (4) 15-minute support calls total)

  • Support/coaching during bedtime of night one training

  • 1 additional post-training support call (two (2) 20-minute, scheduled support calls total to be used within 12 months of purchase.)

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