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Hey, hey!

I'm Michele DiSpirito

I've been where you are.

Tired. No. Exhausted! Frustrated and confused as to what to do with an adorable little one that just. won't. sleep.

I'm a mom to three boys ages 6 and under, wife to Kyle for 17 years, and all about getting some good sleep for us all! While struggling to make sleep consistent and a reality with my oldest, I scoured the internet for answers and was left more frustrated and confused than when I started. I wanted a clear path; someone I trusted to just tell me what to do, how to do it, and when. What I wanted was what I'm here to be for you today - a Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

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5 Ways to Improve your Toddler's Sleep

[tap here for the Show Notes]

The toddler years range from 12 months through 3 years old.

They’re a time of major growth physically, emotionally, and socially. The toddler’s independence is expanding and their personality is taking shape. And combined, they sometimes create a likeness to “the perfect storm”.

A lot of times the storm builds around transitions - moving from one activity to the next.

  • Getting dressed in the morning… getting undressed at night…

  • Brushing teeth…

  • Getting in the bath… getting out of the bath…

Quite a few transitions happen around sleep times and if transitions are hard in your house, then odds are so are nap time and bedtime.

Here are 5 tips to help settle the toddler storm and not only make pre-sleep times more enjoyable but make sleep more likely.

1. Fill their "Emotional Buckets" - Quality Time

Even though toddlers are stretching their independence, they still need us far more than they’re willing to admit.

Making time each day to intentionally connect with them will help ease any separation anxiety that may arise around the longest stretch of separation that happens each day - through the night.

During this intentional time, let your toddler lead.

  • They choose the activity.

  • They make the rules.

  • Then change the rules.

  • They abandon the activity for another one and then go back to the first one.

You just go with the flow, have fun, be silly, really listen and play with them and watch them light up with all the attention.

When children feel heard, seen, and loved they can rest easier and know they’re safe.

Some Good Night Families’ Instagram community’s favorite ways to connect with their toddlers are:

  1. Reading books

  2. Playing outside

  3. Puzzles

  4. Baking

  5. Dance parties

  6. Playing with dolls

What’s your favorite way to connect?

2. Limit Screen Time

Ideally children under 2 watch zero screens for zero minutes a day and children 2-3 watch screens no more than 30-60 minutes a day.

For little boys and any “high energy” child especially (so, every child 🤔), staying close to these recommendations is best, they need to be spending as much time as possible running off all that energy.

But, even more importantly, all screens should be turned off 2 hours prior to sleep times.

The light from the screen tricks the brain into thinking it’s still daylight, messing with the circadian rhythm and the release of melatonin. (Really even the lights in our homes can do that, too, so less is best in the evenings, if possible.)

Do your best and give yourself grace.

3. Keep the Crib

Here are my 3 top reasons for keeping the crib until age 3:

  1. The crib brings a sense of security and comfort from knowing right where the boundary lies. And plus, smaller spaces are just so cozy.

  2. Children younger than 3 aren’t quite developmentally capable of understanding invisible boundaries like a bed with no rails.

  3. You know they’re safe because they can’t get out. (Unless they can…)

Ok, so you agree with 1 and 2, but your little one is a climber. Here are 3 ways to keep your little climber grounded, check out episode 6 of the Sleep and Sanity podcast (or read the blog post) here for the best ways to prevent crib climbing and ways to stop it if/when it happens!

4. Have a predictable schedule and routines - use Routine Cards, a Planner, and a Toddler Clock.

When children are prepared for what’s ahead, or at least know what’s ahead, they’re more likely to go about it with a better attitude.

Better yet, if they feel like they have a say in what’s coming and can have some control over it, they’re even more likely to not only participate but enjoy it!

Routine Cards and Planner Pages

The easiest way to make that possible is by using these printable planner pages, routine cards, and a toddler clock.

There are 3 planner pages in the printout - a monthly, weekly, and daily planner page.

The idea is…

… Print 1 monthly calendar. This is for a general overview of the month with minimal detail. Since the monthly calendar spaces are small, you can use stickers or draw an icon that represents what you'll be doing on certain days.

… Print 4-5 weekly calendars. Here is where you can add more specific details about the happenings of the week ahead. Again, use stickers or pictures to represent what you'll be doing each day, being as detailed as you'd like.

… Print 7 daily calendars each week. This is where you can be even more detailed. Each daily planner is broken down into 3 blocks. Together, you and your toddler can fill in each block and talk about the day ahead.

If these don't become a part of everyday life, using them around the holidays, during vacations, or any other time of the year when life is a bit different than usual, will help your toddler better grasp what's ahead and more likely handle the change better.

These planner pages will also help your toddler grasp the concept of time; something that can take a while for them to understand.

The routine cards are to be used during nap time routine, bedtime routine, and any other predictable routine you may have.

The cards are black and white so your toddler can color them how they want. This can be a great quality time activity! As they color, talk about what each card means and put them in the order they belong.

Once it’s time for their routine to begin, let them be in control of moving from card to card. Some ideas on how to arrange this are:

  • Using a string with small clothespins to hang the cards

  • Velcro and a felt board

  • A pocket chart

The Toddler Clock

The toddler clock is a wonderful way for you to stay in control while also allowing your toddler to have some independence. It’s an outside source dictating what’s next and diffuses the desire for toddlers to fight what’s next. To learn more about what a toddler clock is and how to incorporate it into your child's routines, check out episode 25 of the Sleep and Sanity podcast (or read the blog post) here!

5. Get outside!

➡️ The sunlight will bring regulation to their circadian rhythm.

➡️ The fresh air and the stimulation of nature will help relax them.

➡️ The exercise will burn off some of their (seemingly endless) energy.

➡️ They can be as loud as they want, explore their surroundings, and have sensory input that no other environment can provide.

I know in the winter months it can be harder (and for some people (🙋‍♀️), less appealing) to get outside, but I like what Alfred Wainwright said in his 1973 book Coast to Coast

“There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”

So dress appropriately and get outside.

Toddlerhood can come with quite a few struggles and obstacles, but they’re also filled with years of great potential.

Sleep included. ✨

If you’re needing more help with your toddler’s sleep than what these tips can provide, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can book your free 15-minute call with me here. We’ll find the best way possible to make sleep a reality in your home.


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