Teach sleep in community
Group Coaching
Let's have great sleep for the
For 6 to 12-month-olds
Next group starts Friday, January 15th (January 15th - January 29th)
New Year!
If you're ready for better sleep and able to commit to the plan from January 15th to January 29th, then sign up here:
Great Sleep
for the new year!
Let's get your family
What you'll see
What you'll get
Within 2 weeks you'll see your little one:
sleeping 10-12 hours a night, uninterrupted
sleeping 2-4 hours (depending on their age) during the day between 2 naps.
​And in your home you'll see:
a well-rested family
A generalized sleep plan that contains 2 sleep training techniques and all the information you need to formulate a schedule and the routines perfect for your little one's age and temperament. (You choose the technique that best suits you and your family! (If you're just not sure - I can help you decide!))
A 60-minute video reviewing the sleep plan.
2-week access to the private Facebook group where we'll troubleshoot together, have live Q&As, daily check-ins, and share your wins and struggles.
A digital sleep log

Only 5 spots
Do you have any unanswered questions?
Leave them here and I'll respond ASAP!